6. I miss how he'd always try and take my stuffed animals | The Odyssey Online
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9 Ways I Miss My Dog Since I've Been Away At College

Meet my whole world, his name is Bentley.

Maltipoo dog
Addison Cake

My dog Bentley is literally my best friend. I really feel like he is the dog version of me and being away from him while I am at college is the absolute worst. I can't wait to see him for Thanksgiving break but the countdown is going by so slow. Here are some reasons why I miss my little fur ball.

1. He's the best cuddler ever!

Bentley is my own personal stuffed animal at night.

2. Whenever I was sad he would sit in my lap.

I don't know how dogs know when thier owners are sad but Bentley always knew.

3. He has his clumsy moments that make me laugh.

He's not the smartest dog out there and I love him for it.

4. I miss playing hide and go seek with him.

I taught him how to play hide and go seek and seeing his face every time he finds me is the cutest thing ever

5. I miss him sitting by my feet waiting for me to throw his toy 

He'd always do this weird growl when he wants someone to throw his toy. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

6. I miss how he'd always try and take my stuffed animals

I hated that he would do this all the time but now I actually miss it.

7. He's so photgenic

I miss taking cute picutres with him all the time.

8. I miss him more than my family... shhhh!

Sorry, mom.

9. College isn't as fun without him here.

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I wish he could live in my dorm with me.

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