There is nothing that can compare to high school. People always said to enjoy those years and the people you spend them with because college is something entirely different.
Back then, you probably didn't think so.
But now, college-bound and away from that life, you start to miss those days you were so quick to wish away.
1. Going to school with your home friends every day
There was nothing better than having class with all of your friends. The talking never stopped and the team work on assignments was plenty.
2. Knowing everyone you see in the halls
Yeah, I see you, Jimmy from third grade who gave me a Valentine's note. Don't you worry, I will never forget that. You're the realest.
3. Having teachers who knew your siblings
Depending on how your older sibling(s) were in class, this could either be a good thing or a bad thing. Hopefully, the teacher loved your sibling, which would mean they would love you and would give you an easy A.
4. Spirit Week
Undeniably the best week of school.
5. Driving to school
This is something you definitely took advantage of when you still had it. Now you have to hike five miles just to sit in one class.
6. Friday night football games
Games were fun because you actually knew people from the other school, and you wanted to see them get crushed by your team so bad. Now, you go to a game and don't know a single person on the other team, which makes it a little less interesting.
7. Gym class AKA gossip hour
If you thought I was walking a mile without hearing about who got horrible highlights or how Kyle broke up with Kaitlyn, then you clearly don't know high school girls.
8. Prom
Dress shopping with your best friends and taking pictures that will be with you forever are the moments that everyone wishes they can turn back to.
9. Being able to go home every day
Food. Mom. My own bed. No roommate. What more could you ask for?