When summer rolls around the excitement of no work and light nights make us forget about the many freedoms college has to offer. Here are 10 things you're going to miss when you return home.
1. Late night conversations with roommates and suite mates.
We could be talking about the most serious of topics or nothing at all but there is nothing better than a late night with a roommate.
2. The ability to get pizza at 2 a.m.
If you're hungry, do something about it! Half the campus is out anyways.
3. The opportunity to take a nap in the middle of the day
Need a nap in the middle of the day? Take a nap! No one is going to stop you.
4. The fact that college restaurants and bars are open half the night.
Really, I wonder sometimes if the servers in these restaurants ever sleep.
5. The ability to walk everywhere you go.
Don't have a car? No worries, you don't need one. Everything is within walking distance.
6. The ability to be surrounded by people your own age.
You don't think about what it's like to live in town of people all within five years of your age until it happens. Leaving this bubble can take a bit of adjustment.
7. The chance to sleep through class with no repercussions
Not that anyone SHOULD sleep through class, but if you do, you're most likely fine. Unfortunately, in the real world, sleeping through work causes much greater consequences.
8. The constant stream of social events
If you're bored, there's pretty much always something to do or someone to do it with. This is not the case once you're off of campus. Take advantage of the packed social calendar while you can.
9. The fact that it is totally socially acceptable to wear pajamas in public.
No one batts an eyelid at the fact that you're wearing PJ's at 11 a.m. in Target. Outside of a college town, you may get some funny looks.
10. The freedom of being in college
You don't realize the true value of freedom until things change. For most, summer looks very different from the school year. Be prepared for some change.
Whatever summer looks like for you, make the most out of it. College is a strange time of moving around and changing routines. As you say "see you soon" to your campus, don't forget about the things you will miss the most.