As a kid, I couldn’t wait to be a teenager. And once I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait to be an adult. And now that I stand on the edge of adulthood, with graduation growing closer, I find myself feeling more and more nostalgic for my childhood. Of course, my dad told me this would happen, but I didn’t realize until recently how right he really was.
1. The lack of responsibility.
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Sure, you might have some chores to do by the end of the weekend, but paying bills and getting to work on time? Not high on your list of things to think about. I can imagine I’m not the only one overwhelmed by trying to juggle work, school and whatever else life is throwing at me.
2. Creativity.
I love kids for a number of reasons, but most of all, for their imaginations. I feel as though that when we grow up, we lose much of our creativity and imagination in the process. The endless stories and games we came up with as kids would keep us busy for hours. But these days, more often than not, our entertainment comes from a screen.
3. Unconditional love.
Kids love to love. They do not look at the color of your skin; they do not ask what religion you belong to, or what gender you identify as. Children have the ability to look past the differences that keep so many of us apart. They possess non-judgmental, unbounded love -- something we could all learn a thing or two about.
4. Curiosity.
If you hadn’t noticed, kids are curious about everything. They are like little sponges, eager to soak up any knowledge about the world they can. As soon as we stop questioning things, we close ourselves off to so many options.
5. Innocence.
The responsibility and freedom that come with growing up are definitely something to be excited for. But let's not forget to embrace the simplicity of childhood, and the little things kids can teach us each and every day.