1. All Pageant girls are stupid.
It is pretty common for the community to believe that pageant girls are dumb. Yes, some girls may have made mistakes during their on stage questions, but that does not justify their knowledge. Girls go through an entire interview phase behind curtains, and it is in that moment they are asked questions about some of the heaviest topics impacting our world today.
2. They pay money to get told they are “Pretty”.
Yes, we pay to be in pageantry, but it is not just for us to be complimented. Pageant girls get a lot out of pageantry. In most cases, judges do not even comment on external beauty as it’s own individual factor. They usually focus on the girl as a whole, and what she can offer as a role model to other young women. Being pretty does not determine the end result.
3. They are all bratty.
Yes its true, competition is stressful, but no, not all pageant girls are brats. While we may snap at our mom because we’re running low on time, it does not mean we act like that frequently. Pageant girls are all very genuine individuals and one little stressful moment does not indicate their overall personality.
4.They fight with their competition.
This is the biggest fallacy if I have ever heard one. In every competition, their are chances for the contestants to spend time together whether that be lunch, dinner, or a contestant party. During those moments, is when all girls become friends. We do not fight each other behind the scenes, or act catty towards each other. We encourage and cheer on our fellow contestants. At the end of the day, there is only one winner, but multiple friendships.
5.They have no goals or ambitions.
Pageant girls have many goals for their lives. Pageant girls in the past have gone on to do remarkable things across the world. Many girls have dreams of achieving greatness in their lifetime. Some pageant winners have gone on to write books, become successful business women, and so much more. They strive to be the best they can be which is a pretty high ambition.
6.Pageant girls are selfish.
This misconception is one that is probably most inaccurate. In one years time, pageant girls could put in hundreds of hours of community service. No it is not just for our resume, it is because we genuinely care and want to make a difference. We put in intensive labor to help change the lives of those in need.
7. Girls do not learn anything from pageantry.
From the outside view, it may seem like pageant girls do not learn anything from their experience. However, unless you have watched a pageant girl from her first pageant until now, you would never know the positive difference it can make. Girls learn so much from pageantry. They learn to be confident, poised and well-spoken. They have learned how to interview well, create resumes, control their time management and handle multi-tasking. When it comes to getting a job, pageant girls are one step ahead of the game.
Pageants are a life changing experience and leave girls with skills they will use for the rest of their life. Now, yes, this was written in the view of a pageant girl, so does that make you not believe me? Well I challenge you to enter a pageant and let me know how you feel afterwards.