Poetry is my favorite way to express myself. I can capture someone's attention and make them hurt, smile, laugh, and cry just from the words I write. A great poem is powerful. I've come across many poets growing up that have drawn me in and inspired me. Shel Silverstein and Emily Dickinson were the first poets whose work I read in elementary school. Currently, I've become inspired by poet and actress, Mirtha Michelle Castro Mármol.
Mirtha is from the Dominican Republic but was raised in Miami, Florida. I love keeping up with her on social media because of how glamorous her life seems to be. She is definitely a fashion icon apart from her main work and she is very humble. She currently has three books out, "Letters To Men I Have Loved", "Elusive Loves", and "Letters To Women Like Me". I am a very happy owner of all three books and I would more than recommend each one to everybody.
Mirtha's style of writing is very personal and expressive. She's not afraid to be descriptive and open. She essentially pours out her heart and feelings on to her pages, leaving herself exposed to all her readers. That aspect of her has influenced me a lot because it took time for me to break out of my shell. Seeing how honest she is has pushed my own work as a poet to be very authentic.
Poems tend to tell stories whether you understand them or not. Some poems are very clear as to the meaning but others depend on who's reading them. "Letters To Men I Have Loved" includes letters and poems to men she has had romantic and personal relationships with but it also includes a chapter for her nephew. People can relate to her stories and thoughts. I know that it felt like she took the words right out of my mouth with some of her poems. I love writing and being able to connect to others and their experiences and this is what she does for me. It takes me back to my past and helps me evaluate my situations. Her poetry has also helped me realize that some of my feelings are normal. It's nice to know others go through similar situations too.
"Letters To Women Like Me" and her other books don't have just one purpose behind each poem but at the same time it's similar. They include lessons and truths. They break barriers and dig deep. "Letters to Women Like Me" is very inspiring because she helps lift up other women with her words, in a world that usually puts women against each other. She also helps heal women whose hearts are broken or bruised. She gives raw insight to common problems and lets us all know we're not alone.
I got the privilege to meet her and watch her read her poetry while she explained it on her most recent visit New York City. I'm so happy to constantly be finding inspiring women and poets. Her work has and will always inspire me and my work.
For more information about Mirtha Michelle, check out her website.