We are millennials. We are losing our ability to put our daydreams into motion and our feelings into words due to the advancement of our technological world masquerading our identity. To further mobilize these new characteristics, we fail to utilize our time because we tend to think, "There's always tomorrow". When opportunities do not arise anymore or when we fail to see ourselves rise in any shape or form we are befuddled as to why, as if we have a sense of entitlement or are shocked that things do come to an end and that doors to close.
It has become the new norm to expect things to always be available to us as we go through our days, or better yet, there's an expectation that there's always a way out. There's this line of thinking that nothing bad could possibly happen to us and that we can always get out of a predicament if confronted with one and that someone will always be available to help. This is a fallacy that is perpetuating through our generation and dissipating through the lower generations that are to come. Ironically, our generation is currently looking down on those younger individuals with disappointment for these exact actions.
Mirrors are not always a spitting image of our portrait, but instead they project an image of ourselves in the form that it is imperative for us to see at that moment. We are often unaware of the surreptitious acts of the mirror as our eyes have not yet been conditioned to look for lessons hidden in ourselves and in others.
The fear is that we as a new and ever changing society will not be conditioned on this matter ever. The reason being is that of what I indicated previously: We expect it to be blatantly shown to us. We expect it to be easy, effortless, yet life is not that simple and it was never intended to be that simple. We are repetitious in our mantra of "There's always tomorrow" and we are drilling this ideology into the younger generation inadvertently.
To overcome this new social obstacle we have to begin to emerge from the shield of our mobile devices, laptops, social media, and come into our own as genuine human beings. Human beings who have brilliance, who have seeds of knowledge in their words, words that desire to spread and seek then harbor in the minds of others and grow. They desire to grow into immaculate manifestations of influence that propel the people to display their own originality and come into their own.
When this occurs, we begin to realize where that mirror hides, what it reflects, thus allowing us the opportunity to better change ourselves for those younger generations. We utilize our words to capture that opportunity that is in front of us today. We use our words to catch that love that may have been teasing our eye for quite some time. We begin to disregard settling for waiting for tomorrow by grabbing Today by the hand, looking Today in its treasure trove of eyes and declaring, "You're mine!" This victory entails that all tomorrow will bring is the reward and delight of the opportunity that you caught today.
We are millennials. We have so much capability at hand...unfortunately, a cell phone tends to be taking its place most of the time.