Miracles Aren't Only Back in "Biblical Times"
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Miracles Aren't Only Back in "Biblical Times"

"Well, that was Biblical times, it's not for today!" Because it says so in the Bible, it's not true?

Miracles Aren't Only Back in "Biblical Times"

Lately, I have been questioned about my Faith for "understanding it wrong" and accusing me of being "whacked out." So, therefore, I should change my theology just because someone older than me is offended just because we bump heads against our own theology? Will they use the "I'm older so you're wrong," card?

In Psalm 32:8 What does it say? "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go: I will guide you with my eye." Now, some may disagree saying that only means you can hear the Holy Spirit with or without a Bible and that is fine. But here's a question: how did Paul receive words to write the Bible? God spoke to Him through the Holy Spirit! So then people would argue, "Well, that was Biblical times!" So you're saying that because it says so in the Bible it's not true? When I ask that to people they remark that "It's not for today's time." Stating that fact means that would mean it's true for the whole bible. If that's so, what about the book of Revelation. That's a whole book in itself that hasn't happened yet but it explains to you what will happen.

A few months ago, I heard God lovingly instruct "Pray for your legs." Obeying, a group of my family, friends, and I did. Immediately, after a simple prayer, we could see something crawl up and down my legs. It burned, but in a good way. Minute by minute we were amazed and a bit freaked out while we watched each leg muscle triple it's size in just minutes. How can you deny that was the Holy Spirit? Do you think I've just been hiding magical powers for 20 years and I've always been able to achieve these impossible tasks? Cerebral Palsy and other brain damage don't get better! It is easy for it to digresses your strength but the damage is permanent. It actually weakens your body if you don't constantly use it.

Eight months ago, if you stood me up behind the wheelchair and decided to release me, I would have collapsed and smashed my face on the handlebars. Now, without working up to it, I am able to immediately clasp the handlebars and manage to hold my own weight with the wheelchair's assistance. Already, God has proved the doctors wrong.

Think about the word "can't." Capitalize that word: "CAN'T." Now imagine what the "T" would look like if you move the top line down a little. Think about it. It would be a Cross.

You see, sometimes we imagine God so distant and we wonder if He's there. Before I understood His voice, I was petrified of being alone. Even though He may be bringing on the most intense storm in your life - whether it's people accusing you of being crazy or they detest the possibility that they have missed something so they try to yank you back onto "their side" - with the Holy Spirit, it'll be like dragging a mountain through sand by themselves on a sizzling hot day. No matter how hard they try to rip you to shreds, you will always win if you correct them with love. I rarely have any anxiety or depression now that He is inside of me. His presence blasts me with His peace.

God actually just given me a vision as I write this of me being a string puppet and He is my marionette. It sounds funny, but it's like for 20 years my strings were all tangled up and now because I realized He doesn't want to hurt me, He is untangling each complicated knot one by one until it's entirely straight and I will be able to use each one to work each freshly recovered muscle.

In a Bible study I'm in, we talk about why sometimes He doesn't heal everything immediately. It's because He wants to drag out the excitement thriving in you. And this way you can journal about it. Now that my strength is regaining, Jesus has definitely broadened my patience level! What I would say is that if you can hear the Holy Spirit well and people are angry at You because of it, what I always say is "I'm willing to tell you my beliefs. I'm willing to answer questions about my beliefs, but I won't be moved!" I know that I can't stand physically but I can stand Spiritually and that's greater than physical standing.

I plan on writing a full book on this undesirable gift of healing I'm receiving once it takes full effect and God has already written some of the script. He always completes what He starts whether it's in 40 seconds or 40 years. Stay strong for what you believe in if you believe that God showed you that truth and don't allow anyone to bring doubt to you; whether it's a sibling or a friend or an acquittance. Your Faith is between you and God. You can ask for advice but ask the Holy Spirit who you should talk to and if you don't have anyone ask Him and He will bring those people into your life!

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