noun mir·a·cle \ˈmir-i-kəl\
Simple Definition of miracle
- : an unusual or wonderful event that is believed to be caused by the power of God
- : a very amazing or unusual event, thing, or achievement
This is the definition for Miracle by Merriam-Webster! I wanna tell you a story of a girl who is a miracle.
She was born into a family consisting of a mother and father, both separated when she was born, she also has two older sisters as well. This was her:
1 lb 13 oz this little baby was!! She was 3 months early that is roughly 24 weeks old! A new born baby is born normally born at 40 weeks old!! That’s 9 months exactly!!
If you’re wondering how this little baby turned out to be let me show you:
butts up
tiny tiny
sleeping beauty
hooray she can eat! :)
Yep she survived. They had to put a steroid shot into her lungs to help her breathe and she had a NG (nasogastric) tube in her to help her eat until she could finally eat on her own. She was at the hospital for those 3 months that she was supposed to be in her mothers womb!! Eventually she got to go home and lived a life, yes with some problems developmentally and with her lungs. She turned out to be okay!!
I personally believe this little baby was and is a miracle!!! I think that it is not okay for this new rule to abort late term babies or even babies at any term. In my opinion, God places babies on the Earth for a reason, not to be killed!!! Now I know some people may rebate this saying “There is no God” or “why would God allow babies to happen out of rape” or “babies that are small are just cells why not abort!” I have answers to all of these. I think that if a woman is raped, it’s not her fault 100% and she could have the baby and then have someone adopt the baby! Or if not then the family take care of the baby!! Babies are cells when they are in the womb but they also have heartbeats which means they’re alive!! Why would you wanna kill something inside you? There is a God who loves you, whoever is reading this, more than you know and you can have a loving relationship with Him if you choose to!
Now, I know not everyone is going to agree with me. I know in my heart what is right and wrong and I think abortions are absolutely wrong! I do believe in miracles! If you were wondering who that little baby was in the pictures above, twas I! When I was a baby, now a lot older, healthy and grown up, I am thankful my mom didn’t abort me and I am thankful that I am a miracle to see how I am today! This blog post isn’t to down other peoples opinions, but it’s to state my own and to see that a little 1 lb 13 oz baby is a miracle and so are those who were born early and it’s not okay to abort no matter the term the baby is born!! MY OPINION! So if you have any questions or want to know about my story, feel free to drop a line. I’d like to hear your opinion on this matter!! Have a blessed day!!