On January 15, 2009, Captain Chelsey Sullenberger landed US Airways flight 1549 on the Hudson River. Shortly after take off, several birds flew into the plane, got sucked in to the engines, and blew both of them out. As a result, the plane lost altitude quickly and left Captain Sully with one option: to land the plane on the Hudson. Historically, water landings don't fare well for anyone involved, but Sully pulled off a miracle and landed the plane safely, saving all 155 people that were on board. Recently, Warner Bros released a film version of Sully's story, and it evoked a range of emotions from pride to fear to anticipation. Here are 8 times Sully gave you all the feels.
*CAUTION: spoilers ahead!
1. When Sully and Skiles have breezy conversation in the cockpit.
You know that this is the beginning, and you want to shout at the movie screen to warn them of what's coming. But, they just continue to chat.
2. When the birds hit the plane.
You know this is the beginning of the end, and you just can't handle it.
3. When the air traffic controller thinks the plane and passengers aren't going to make it.
The air traffic controller for flight 1549 tried repeatedly to give Sully airport landing options. After looking at the logistics of landing in Teterboro, Newark, and returning to La Guardia, Sully decides that the plane must land in the Hudson, and quits responding to traffic control. At this point, the traffic controller thinks he has lost the plane and will soon hear of a tragedy. I knew the story, but I couldn't help but feeling the same way.
4. When the flight attendants repeatedly yell "Brace, brace! Heads down, stay down!"
This time, you know it's the end of the end. You know Sully landed that plane safely in real life, but seeing all of the terrified passengers, including infants and elderly women who can't walk, you can't help but be terrified with them.
5. When the safety board that investigated the case accused Sully and Skiles of making a bad choice.
This just made me angry and nervous. Sully landed the plane in the Hudson, saved 155 people, and was harassed. That just didn't sit well with me.
6. When the flight simulators didn't make it safely to an airport.
Sully convinced the board to make the pilots doing the flight simulations wait 35 seconds before turning around to better mimic the situation they were in. Under these circumstances, none of the flight simulations made a safe return, and the entire audience did a victory dance for Sully on the inside.
7. When Sully's wife realizes he is one of the 155.
This scene will break your entire heart in to one million pieces. For the whole movie, Sully's wife has to be strong for her daughters and husband. She finally breaks down when she realizes that Sully saved 155 people, including himself.
8. When Sully says, "In the end I'll be judged on 208 seconds."
This quote from Sully sums up the entire plot. He had a career over 40 years long with over a million passengers that safely arrived at their destination. He did the impossible, yet still faced critique. In the end, those 208 seconds mattered more than anything he ever did.