Walking is a gift. Most people live their life walking around without even thinking about it. But after 20 years of my whole life of being in a wheelchair, I am beginning to take my first steps with little assistance.
Before this healing, I couldn't even move without intolerable pain. Every muscle in my body throbbed. Writhing pain was strangling my bones and muscles. One month and 21 days later, now, if you wrap an assistance belt around me and hold it, I'm able to take steps primarily by myself.
Though it may sound gross to you, last week, for the first time ever in the 20 years of my life, I wasn't drooling and my whole chin was completely dry! Another day I was able to pick up an apple and bring it up to my mouth and bite it without any choking issues! I took a wobbly step into my mother's arms for the first time!
Friends who hadn't seen me since the night of my healing sometimes say hi first but immediately they request, "Let me shake your hand!" and I am able to control my hand enough to clasp on to their hands and lightly grip their hands without squeezing it and release it on command! When I stood up for the first time practically by myself, I was able to feel and see what all my other friends and family see on a daily basis. I don't know where you are with your Faith, but God spoke clearly, "You'll be completely healed soon!"
Now, yes, I can hear wrong from God, but if we see these improvements so rapidly and three friends in the same week dream the same dream, that's pretty clear. Yes, that could be a coincidence, but they received those dreams only a few days before I received more healing. That's pretty clear that it's God.
We now find it ironic that my all time favorite song is Oceans by Hillsong. Part of the lyrics are "Spirit lead me where my trust is without boarders let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander where my Faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Savior".
Those lyrics are literal to me because without Him, I wouldn't be in this great of shape for at least another six months and that's if I worked out every single day for hours. Muscles in my legs formed as we were praying for them a couple weeks ago and we could see them growing. A half an hour later, they were almost twice the size than they were before.
You see, I saw my healing as another way to minister to people before God said to me "That is partly true, but Kev, this healing is a gift to you!" Wow, I thought. That was so shocking to me.
There're blessings in life small and big. This is a huge one. And I can't be thankful enough. This is huge for me and people around me but this compared to God is so easy for Him. Why wouldn't He do this sooner? Because without the disability, I would probably not have the same amazing friends I have now or my Faith wouldn't be as strong if not at all.
I don't know what my whole future looks like, but God has gave me glimpses of it and my job is to just listen follow and obey. But I do know where I'm going to be for eternity and that's all I need to know.