The Great Minnesota Get-Together, also known to newbies as the Minnesota State Fair, is one of the best parts of Minnesota summers. There is food, rides, log rolling competitions, animal centers, concerts, and SO much more. I look forward to the State Fair every single year. I go at least once if not more, because it's too good to experience just once, and there is way too much to do to get it all done in one day. With the Minnesota State Fair approaching, food and fun have been on my mind and I am so excited! To prepare for the fair this year, I thought it would be fun to relate parts of the fair to 'Friends' gifs for the people who have never been able to experience it in person. For those of you who are avid State Fair goers like me, these will be all too real. Get ready for your Sweet Martha's Cookies!
1. It's the end of August in Minnesota, and you suddenly realize that the State Fair is right around the corner...
It's finally time to drive to the State Fairground and soak in all that Minnesota has to offer. Go hungry and ready for entertainment because you have so many foods to eat and so many things to do!
2. How you feel after eating fried food, friend food and ​more ​fried food​​...
Cheese curds, fried Oreos, fried cheese on a stick, fried pickles, fried candy bars, and more. At the Minnesota State Fair they will fry just about anything. This is the perfect place to eat all the fried food until your heart's content.
3. 100,000-plus people walking through crowds in the August heat, expect to sweat...A LOT
Add 100,000-plus people walking down the crowded streets of the fairgrounds with 80-90-degree Minnesota August weather, and it's a guaranteed recipe for sweating. Drink plenty of water and find ways to stay cool because you have lots of things to see and you can't let the heat get to you.
4. Because it's the Great Minnesota get-together, you're bound to run into at least one person you know...
You're bound to run into someone you know walking through the State Fairgrounds. You could run into family members, old elementary school classmates or coworkers who enjoy the State Fair just as much as you are.
5. When you're getting full, but you still have more food you need to eat...
You've hit half the food stands you want to experience and you're starting to get full, but you still have so many foods you want to eat. It's time to make a tough decision, do you continue eating your favorite fair foods or do you stop to please your overfilled stomach?
6. When someone lets you eat the top cookies of their Sweet Martha's Cookie bucket so they can close it...
Sweet Martha's Cookies are one of the BEST foods offered at the fair. You can either get and overflowing cone or a bucket of sweet, warm, chocolate chip cookies. The best part is when a stranger walks up to you with an overflowing bucket and asks you to help finish the overflowing cookies so they can put the lid on their bucket. You get free, warm cookies and get to experience all of that Minnesota Nice filling the air.
7. When you realize the fair is over and you have to wait a whole year until you get to bask in all of that fried food glory again...
Once Labor Day rolls around it marks the end of the fair. No more cookies, no more rides, no more specialty foods...until next year. You become sad in all of your food coma glory because you have to wait a whole year to experience it all over again.
The Minnesota State Fair is truly one of my favorite things about the state. Leading up to and around the time of the State Fair, it's the only thing I can talk about because I get so excited about it. The 2019 Fair is less than 20 days away and I couldn't be more thrilled!