Ministry is not just preaching.
It is not just being a children’s or youth pastor.
It is not just playing an instrument or leading worship.
Ministry is not just teaching a Sunday School class.
Ministry is so much more.
Ministry does not start behind a pulpit or microphone; it starts behind service.
Ministry is service.
Ministry is helping. Ministry is being a part of something greater than you can believe. It is cleaning the bathrooms and putting out chairs. It is helping an elder carry something to his or her car. It is making sure the House of God is clean.
Ministry is surrender.
Ministry is making yourself available for others. It is answering the phone late in the night to pray for someone or spend hours upon hours beside the hospital bed of a member. It is not letting personal feelings get in the way when a church member is in need.
Ministry is love.
Ministry is seeing past the outside and loving the Child of God standing in front of you. Ministry Is knowing that being a servant of God is loving people unconditionally. It is allowing yourself to love more than anything else. It is loving people the minute you meet them and allowing that love to be evident and serve as a reminder of God’s love to that person.
Ministry is forgiveness.
Ministry is forgiving like Christ. It is being unselfish and knowing that if God had not forgiven us, we would be nothing. It is turning that fact into a way of life. It is forgiving even when the person may not deserve it. We did not deserve Christ's forgiveness but look at us.
It is easy to talk about those in ministry and look down on them because, if not a vital part of ministry it is different. Becoming a part of ministry allows you to gain a new respect to everyone that is in ministry.
Ministry is tough.
It requires selflessness and sacrifice. It begins when we realize it is not all about us. It is all about Him.
Once we strive for God to give us His heart for people, all of these things come naturally.