1. Do not go shopping...
It is always so tempting to go to the store and look around to see what you should buy but the odds are, you probably already have it. Do you really need that pair of flip flops because they are on clearance? Repurpose the items you have now. Make shorts out of that old pair of jeans you haven't used in a while.
2. Make toss, keep, and donate boxes!
Minimalism does not mean you have to get rid of everything you own. Start with the little things if it makes it easier. Get three different boxes for the things you want to keep, toss, and donate. Also, I understand that gift giving is lovely but when the person gave you that gift I highly doubt they did it to create more clutter in your home. If it doesn't serve a purpose in your home, donate it and maybe it can serve a purpose in someone else's.
3. Take before and after pictures...
Sometimes you will have those days when you feel as if though you haven't gotten anywhere, it happens to us all. However, those pictures will speak louder than your doubts. Also, please keep in mind, your things may be your problem now, but they wont be forever. Do not pass on the burden of making someone else decide what happens to your clutter.
4. Join groups for minimalists!
The journey to minimalism is not an easy one but I have found that joining a group is a great help. I still have a long way to go in my journey but seeing everyone post about their journey can be a big motivation to keep going. I am definitely a work in progress but I know that one day I will also be able to post pictures of my ideal home.
5. Utilize the 'The One Year Rule'...
Many times clutter isn't just stuff but memories and people and moments in life where things were easier, so I understand not wanting to get rid of something even if you haven't used it in a year. But, odds are that if you haven't used something in a year you are probably not going to use it any time soon so you should probably decide what to do next with it. However, please stay conscience of how many things you have simply for the memories. Memories still exist with or without that object.
6. Steer clear of giving things a place and purpose...
If you are deciding whether to keep an item or toss it and your sentence begins a little like "Well, maybe I can use it for...." then you are probably gonna want to toss that. If you need to find a purpose for something in your home it means there was never a purpose for it to enter in the first place.
7. Sell items online or in person.
Some people are scared to begin their journey to minimalism for the fear of losing money. Thankfully, there is plenty of websites online that help you sell your items, even social media can help you with that. However, if you don't trust online websites then grab some cardboard and some markers and organize yourself a yard sale. Organize your items neatly to allow the buyers to move quicker through the yard sale and make sure everything has a price tag.
8. Set short term and long term goals!
Obviously, the long-term goal is to live in a minimalist household but you need to start somewhere. If you are a really busy person then maybe set one day of the month for five hours where you declutter and organize. Also, what does having a minimalist household look like to you?
For some people, it's a bedroom with a dresser and a small closet and for others, it's a bedroom with a bookshelf. Maybe your long-term goals could be for specific rooms in your household. It is your journey, you decide!
9. Start small!
Do not put yourself through the torture of starting with the pictures or your box of memories. Sometimes all you gotta do is grab a bag and go around putting in small things like receipts, expired medications, expired makeup, or broken items. If you are anything like my family, you have a lid drawer along with other clutter type drawers. Start there.
Taking out one bag of trash every day is really fulfilling. Something you can even start with your phone. Delete all the apps you don't use. Transfer all the files from your phone to a flash drive and delete stuff. Go through your social media and unsubscribe from websites you don't use or delete friends you don't know.
10. Do not rush or compare yourself!
You're doing great!
Everyone's journey is different. Some take years to declutter while others take months. Do not think you are any less than others simply because your living space doesn't look so "perfect". The more you compare yourself the more you are gonna steer away from wanting to progress. Do not stop. Every little thing you give away or avoid buying is progress. Minimalism is about reclaiming your space and that takes time because after all, Rome wasn't built in a day!
The journey ahead of you is a long one but I am so proud of you simply for starting now.