All dogs are amazing, of course. If you've ever owned a dog or had the pleasure of encountering one, you have probably asked yourself, "What in the world did we do to deserve dogs?" They are incredibly loyal, caring, and fun. There are countless stories out there of dogs being involved in the rescue of their human or stories of their unwavering loyalty. However, there is a hierarchy in the dog world. Some dogs are simply better than the rest of them. I know for a fact that my dog, Charlie the miniature schnauzer, is at the top of the dog world. He is the best. Miniature schnauzers are the best, and here's why:
1. They are so loyal to their families.
Being away from your dog for a long time, especially with being in college, can be rough. All dogs will be your best friend even through the worst of times, but miniature schnauzers go above and beyond. When I come home for a weekend after being away for awhile I am met by my scruffy, four-legged friend who has been awaiting my return ever since I left. These dogs aren't just loyal they're protective, too. My dog will fight off any noise or person walking outside with his ferocious bark, even if he does so while hiding behind our legs.
2. They make the best cuddle buddies because they are the perfect size.
Miniature schnauzers are the perfect size. They aren't so small that you have to worry about squeezing them or too big that they hog all of the bed. They make for the perfect cuddle-size companion.
3. They can be super talkative.
If I don't pay attention to my schnauzer for one minute, he will start to yell at me. It usually sounds like a mix of howling, small barks, and grumbling. He can be awfully sassy, but it only makes him that much cuter.
4. They're super playful.
Stemming from their super talkativeness, mini schnauzers love to play and will always insist that you play with them. They could be playing with five different toys at once, only to want to play with the one toy that you are holding.
5 They look like old men.
Possibly, the single greatest feature about schnauzers is their similar appearance to elderly men. Both have crazy eyebrows and fun mustaches and beards. Schnauzers can often be found with scruffy fur. Their unkempt appearance only serves to emphasize their complete adorableness.
Miniature schnauzers are by far the most amazing dogs out there. They have all the best characteristics of dogs. Sure, golden retrievers, labs, and huskies can be cute, but I'd take my knee-high, cuddle-size, bearded best friend over them any day.