I have just returned from Madrid, Spain and it was absolutely wild. I have never been to Europe so this was a very different change of pace for me compared to the U.S. The culture is so different, the people are nicer and happier. I wish people were like that in the U.S....happier.
In the U.S. it is all about pride instead of character, unlike Europe that values who you actually are not where you are from. Character should be valued more, but besides all of this, going to Spain made me realize how much I love America. This is a problem now.
I had a plan after graduation. I was going to live in Europe for a year and challenge myself with real independence, but now that seems like something I wouldn't even imagine myself doing. I am even debating studying abroad in London next year. I was only in Spain in 17 days but it was probably one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. I did not have my security blanket, American style aspects. Even though, I was with people from Endicott College, I had no idea who they were, maybe going with friends would have been better.
So if I am not going to follow my plan of living in Europe for a year, what am I going to do? Get a job, live in my parents basement, move out...I am trying to branch off from the norm. You need to challenge yourself and go somewhere that isn't like your security blanket. You need to branch off into a new world.
Spain is so different than America. The food is amazing and the culture, once again, is inspiring, Everyone is like a family. This was a mini-study abroad, I totally recommend doing this first rather than jumping right into a semester. This was a good first step outside of my comfort zone, I am starting to prepare myself for signing up to go study abroad in London.
If you stay in your comfort zone of your security blanket in America, are you really living? Step outside of your comfort zone, take a chance on life.