It’s about that time again, a new trip around the sun has begun! And as cliché as it is to admit, New Year's resolutions are starting. I am not an expert or professional of any kind and don’t claim to be. What you are about to read is merely my opinion and insights on new year resolutions that I think a few people could potentially benefit from.
New Year's resolutions are always surrounded by making ourselves better. All too often we are worried about “bettering” ourselves. How many people reading this have said, “a new year, a new me!"? I know I have. However, this is impossible. We can never be new and the idea of it can drive us insane. Thus, we can get so caught up in improving ourselves with our resolutions, we forget to remember just how amazing we already are. I am not saying that goals are bad and will always drive us mad, but rather we should be more mindful about the goals we make and how we’re going to achieve them. Thus, I propose to you a mindful guide to New Year's resolutions/goals.
Step 1: Reflection
Looking for something inspiring for 2018? Look back on what your last year was like. Try to remember what happened in 2017 that made you laugh, made you mad, made you love deeper, etc. Was there something that happened that drove you utterly insane? Understand what hurt you and why. Identify the ways you grew in the last year and let this guide you into how you want to grow in 2018.
Step 2: Let Go
Holding onto things that hurt can be detrimental to your mental health. Let the new year be a time to work through and let go of those things. Think back, what has been occupying your mind this year? Is it negatively occupying your mind? If so, let it go. If you’re interested, there is tons of information (via Googling it) on how to let go. This can be so freeing and a gateway to freedom for 2018.
Step 3: Make a to-not-do list:
We get so overwhelmed with to-do lists, especially in the new year when we have new goals. We are so worried about what to do that we forget what not to do. Making a not-to do list can keep you calm and help with not burning out. Don’t get so caught up with your list of new goals that you forget to breath and live. Don’t do self-destructive things. Don’t eat so much you purge. Don’t drink so much that you make yourself sick (unless it’s your birthday). Don’t be mean. These are just a few important things for some people to remember. Making a to-not-do list can be just as beneficial as making a to-do list.
Step 4: Know why
If you do chose to add in goals for the new year, understand why. Why do you want to have these goals? How are they going to add positivity to your life? These are important questions to have answers to! It can aid in weeding out those goals that are on your list only out of popularity.
Step 5: Ease into it
Baby steps are the key to success. Don’t just dive head first into your goals and risk burning out. Ensure that you have a reasonable time frame to achieve your amazing goals. Know how you are going to achieve them and set up a time frame for when. Don’t just assume it’s going to automatically make your life better, give it time. It takes 21 days to make and break a habit.
You don’t have to change yourself just because it’s a new year. And If you chose to add in resolutions or goals, be mindful with your choices. What I proposed is my elaborate opinion on what I am choosing to do in 2018. A different approach I think people could use to at least know they don’t have to make insane goals to define themselves as worthy is to realize that they are already enough.
Be kind to yourself and enjoy 2018!