The technology of the future might no longer be so far away. Facebook has released its plan as to how they will develop a way for users to message friends and to update their news feed telepathically. When the company announced this idea at their annual F8 conference in April there was not much of a plan, leaving people skeptical, to say the least. Needless to say, much of this skepticism is still present as a technology would revolutionize the way we look at the human brain.
Facebook is blocking out the haters and is continuing to invest millions of dollars into the research that could create this technology. As the vast majority of Facebook's revenue comes from advertisements, it is not surprising that they are looking for ways to branch out. Facebook is looking to create long-term revenue through technologies that would change the path for the next era of computing.
As technology moves towards virtual reality devices, anything that requires a keyboard gets left out and technology like this could help to keep Facebook in the loop. A small in-house team along with 60 scientists and engineers are working right now to bring this sci-fi vision to a reality. While to many outsiders this seems like a shot in the dark, their two-year deadline says otherwise. Here we come 2019!