Mind-Reading Machines And Monkeys Help Stephen Hawking Speak | The Odyssey Online
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Mind-Reading Machines And Monkeys Help Stephen Hawking Speak

New Brain Wave Technology May Help The Voiceless Speak Again

Mind-Reading Machines And Monkeys Help Stephen Hawking Speak

Paralysis is a terrifying thing that can happen to almost anybody. Traumatic accidents can cause permanent damage, or a stroke can destroy the motor functions of your brain, or a latent fluke in your genetics can erupt one day and slowly rob you of your limbs. And it’s a depressingly common ailment. A recent study- the first of its kind- has estimated that as many as 2% of Americans, one out of every 50, suffer from some form of paralysis or another. In modern America, you are more likely to be paralyzed than to have green eyes.

Of course, not every paralyzed person is someone you would pick out of a crowd as the paralyzed one. The medical definition of paralysis is broad, and the majority of cases represent a restriction of movement, instead of being paraplegic or quadriplegic. For the majority of paralyzed Americans, their affliction is a nuisance instead of life-changing.And for the majority of more extreme cases, physical therapy is enough to rehabilitate the injured party and get them back on their feet- both figuratively and literally.

But what about the very extreme cases of paralysis, the quadriplegics and others who can’t even be helped with physical therapy and rehabilitation? What about the people who can’t move enough to take care of themselves, or are completely bedridden?

Well, there’s always that modern miracle cure known as stem cell research. Recent studies done by the company Asterias Biotherapeutics have shown significant promise in regenerating the cells of injured spines using an injection of stem cells.

According to the studies, paralyzed patient injected with high numbers of stem cells showed far greater improvement in their motor functions (especially in the upper body) than patients who didn’t receive any. And, critically, patients who received the highest doses improved better than patients who received a lower number of stem cells.

But what about when it gets even worse than that? What about when paralysis and disease rob you of your ability to communicate? What about the Stephen Hawkings of the world, who can’t even speak?

Well, that’s when science steps up to the plate. Hawking is by now famous for his use of a voice synthesizer, which he used to control with a hand. However, as his ailment worsened, he has gradually lost the ability to do even that- in the last few years, he has had to rely on twitching his cheek to type out words at a rate of one word per minute, far too slow for normal conversation.

The solution was simple: just read his brainwaves.

This technology has been a long time in the making. The concept has been around for years, but still isn’t as practical as it should be. The device doesn’t work by reading a patient’s mind and transcribing their thoughts- instead, it scans the brain for the most easily detectable variations of brainwaves, such as the difference between “eyes open” and “eyes closed” or attempts to make broad movements with your limbs. These brainwave variations are then translated into the movement of a cursor on a screen, which can be used to select letters on a virtual keyboard.

Recent research done using monkeys have found that the monkeys adapt quickly to using the technology, and are able to transcribe pieces of literature at a rate of 12 words per minute. It’s not exactly the lightning fast speed of conversation most of us are used to, but it’s much, much better than no words at all.

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