Sometimes, your mind gets the best of you.
Your mind will tell you that you aren’t good enough.
That you aren’t beautiful.
That you don’t deserve the people who truly love you.
That you shouldn’t be here.
Let me tell you right now that your mind can and will be wrong. And that’s OK. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, your thoughts can travel to the darkest of tunnels and lowest of valleys before you can even take a breath. It will convince you that your soul isn’t bright anymore, and that your smile isn’t worth being seen.
You look around and see everyone being so happy, and you think, “Why can’t I smile like that anymore?” You see other girls totally in love with their partner, or in love with being alone, and you just can’t seem to be content with anything.
Sometimes, your mind will make you hate everyone and everything around you. It will take the light out of your eyes, and make them see only in black and white, instead of seeing the amazing colors of the world.
My friend, please hold on. Please remember these three things before you sink into these thoughts.
1. You are not alone.
Even when you feel like you’re the only one feeling like this, I promise that you aren’t. Know that everyone around you has these feelings too. Everyone fears what their future holds, and everyone is doubting themselves. The girl with the perfect body may wish that she had the grades that you do. The athlete that seems so popular may feel completely alone. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends, your family, or anyone else that you trust to help you through this stage of life.
2. You are so, infinitely loved
You might be thinking that you’re a burden to your friends for bringing up your negative thoughts, but they love you, they care about you, and they want to help you through this. If you don’t think you have anyone to reach out to, remember that Christ is always waiting to take you in with open arms. He loves you more than anyone ever could, so much that He died for you. The love that you yearn for can be found in Jesus’ heart, always. When you feel that no one would want to listen to you, know that it is His sole purpose to listen to your heart’s deepest desires.
3. Your health is more important than anything else.
The state of your mind will affect every other aspect of your life. If you let it take over your actions in a negative way, everything around you will suffer. Take a deep breath, remind yourself that sometimes you just need to do whatever it is that makes you feel, well, like "you" again. Dance around in your room by yourself. Sing in the shower. Put on a full face of makeup just because. Order that extra large coffee. Go for a run. Take care of yourself.
You are never alone, and never will be. But when your mind tricks you into thinking that you’re worthless, know that there are people praying for you and with you. This stage of self-doubt is just temporary.
You are perfect.