Even when we think we aren't thinking about anything, our brain is taking in a million things at once, a million pieces of information that can mean a million things. At least I think I heard that somewhere. Maybe I didn't but I believe it or at least I want to believe it (rather believe that then believe that I sit around sometimes with a blank mind not thinking about anything). I like the thought of it . Have you ever felt as if you can't take in everything at once? Or take in all that you want to?
But we still take in a lot. I've been thinking about all that one thinks about without even realizing it. Like one probably always thinks about how they got to be where they are, how their past and future met and merged into this one point in time, and what the people around them are going through or thinking about (basically trying to mind read lol). All these guesses we make without even realizing it. And one always analyzes ones environment. You always know if you like where you are at, like if you like the room your in right now or not. Or I guess you can be ambivalent about it sometimes people are ambivalent. I think that we have so many unconscious thoughts that they sometimes outnumber our conscious thoughts or take away from our conscious thoughts leaving us with a seemingly blank mind, even though it's really not blank which is the point I am trying to make. But I have a few conscious thoughts right now actually and one is wishing that my cat will decide to get out of my way so I can finish typing right now. My cat is a very good distraction. And another of my thoughts is me thinking that "man I am like shaggy from Scooby Doo I use the word "like" a whole lot in my writing and when I talk. Oh well.
Our unconscious thought also take in all the visual cues around us without us even knowing that we noticed them, like we are our own Sherlock Holmes and don't even realize it. Anyways just a thought that I thought was pretty deep that I wanted to share with any readers reading. Thanks for reading :)