Dear Millennial Americans,
I grew up with the perspective that supports Trump. I grew up in the south, where you see that racism is still alive and well. Where you're afraid to admit that you are LGBT. I grew up around people who are sexist, homophobic, and racist. But I'm not. And a majority of my generation isn't. And I am not attempting to generalize the older generations either. There have been many older positive influences in my life which led me to seek love rather than hate.
But at the end of the day, there is no battle of values to be had anymore. Trump is the president of the United States, and that is scary for many. I woke up this morning and didn't want to get out of bed. I woke up this morning feeling absolutely defeated. But defeat is not the way to react to something like this. The polls showed our side as a generation. People currently in college are overwhelmingly for Hillary.
And what does Hillary mean to me as a college student? She made mistakes, but she stands for the 99%. She stands for minorities. She stands for women. She stands for love. She has served her country for over thirty years. Hillary stands for what I hope our country can become one day. A place where EVERYONE feels safe. And now, there are many people who are considered American citizens but feel unsafe in America. That is scary.
So where do we go from here? Well, many Hillary supporters are responding in a way that kind of downplays exactly what we are supposed to be standing for. Responding with anger and hate gets us no where. It's okay to be sad right now. I am sad right now. But we shouldn't respond in ways that weaken our values. I will be the first to admit that this is how I wanted to respond. This is how we know to act because it is obviously what our culture currently stands for (Anger and hate).
But let's at least be happy that our generation is behind the ideals that lead to progress. We haven't just subscribed to the beliefs of our parents and grandparents. We've made our own informed decisions. And we aren't the only generation who's done this. The generations before us made great progress as well. This is just a setback my friends. Hate will never win over love. All I can say is that the best reaction I can come up with to what has happened is to trust that Trump will serve this presidency in a way that is pleasing to God. If he does that, we'll be alright.
In the meantime, we've got to continue fighting for our values. We can't give up over one loss. This isn't about fighting against any individual. This is about fighting for love. Let's not forget this as we begin adjusting to the current changes happening in office.
Your fellow millennial