We all know that our environment is created by technology. Everything is on computers or your phone. Your life is on Instagram, not just in front of your eyes. Being surrounded by all of these things can easily steer you away from Christ. Whether it is reading about drama, or just exposing yourself to things that aren't appreciated by God.
In this troubling time, take advantages of your technology. Here is a list of things that you can use to have a Christ-centered relationship in this fast-paced, technology-saturated world.
1. Prayer Mate
Do you ever find yourself saying "Oh, I'll pray for you!" and forget about it? Yeah, we all do. With this app, PrayerMate, you instantly enter things you want to pray for, and the app will have a list every day of the things you'd like to pray about. You can also set a timer, so you will never forget.
2. She Reads Truth
This app has an electronic bible for quick access, devotionals, and other fun things like phone wallpaper! One of my favorite things about this app is the wallpaper, they are beautiful and always remind me of God's presence.
3. Walking Prayers
Do you have an 8 a.m. and snooze until 7:15? Me too. That ruins your quiet morning time with God which is (i've found) one of the most important parts of my days. When you're walking to class, use this time to talk to God. Don't be the person absorbed into their phone while walking. When you pray, look at your surroundings and breathe in the fresh air that is all around you. Look for beautiful things in your environment, and show gratitude.
4. Do not be ashamed
It's easy to act like we don't know God when people are judgy or act like they do not want to be associated with Christians. This is literally your time to shine. Don't push your religion on someone, but if you show Christ's love flowing through you and to them, they will want to know what's up.
5. Subscribe to devotionals
Personally, my church sends out DeVos via text message really early in the morning. You could probably find websites and apps which do the same thing. Subscribing to these devices allow you to see God's work in your life first thing in the morning.
6. Make index cards around your room
Whenever you're deep in your studies with God, you are bound to find verses that stick out to you. Take those verses, pray about them, and write them down. You can write them on sticky notes, index cards, anything. You can just handwrite them, stamp them, make them look cutesy, just do anything that will catch your eye. Take these notes and spread them around your room, office, car, anywhere. You will always feel surrounded by the Holy Spirit and use these verses in your day to day life.
"His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him — though he is not far from any one of us." - Acts 17:27