When you say the word "love," millions of things rush to your brain. Whether it is the person you are currently dating, your ex, the person you want to be with or the person you miss. Love has so many different interpretations depending on the experiences you have had when it comes to that one, not so simple, word.
Millennials are the ones who are still experiencing what this life has to offer; maybe it is better to say what life throws at you. We are all just trying to find out ourselves, what kind of job fits us, where we should move to and to find the one person that can deal with the crazy and help encourage them along the side.
Below are quotes from millennials I spoke to about what they experienced with situations that deal with love, or whatever you call it.
What is real love?
“You know when the emotions are all there. Love is sacrificing yourself for the other person. It’s more than a Friday night movie.” *Carter, 19
“I grew up with a lot of hard things in life, just like most people. My negative attitude was getting worse until I met him. I knew I was genuinely happy when I could be having the worst day ever but because he was happy, I was happy.” *Elizabeth, 22
”I have yet to experience anything close to ‘real love,’ but I would image it is when you can text them at 3:30 in the morning needing them to listen to your fears, emotions and not question one thing.” *Kayla, 20
When you miss your ex and don’t know what to do:
“Tell him. Tell him now because he might be feeling the same way. He just needs to hear it.” *Thomas, 19
“Coming from a girl who waited too long on her ex. Either put everything on the line and go back, or run like hell because it’s only going to hurt you in the end, especially the longer you wait.” *Savannah, 18
“I think this question is irrelevant. You know exactly what to do.” *Miranda, 21
When they cheat:
“Don’t listen. Don’t go back. It’s not that he didn’t love you but he didn’t respect you and that is the most important thing when it comes to a relationship. If you can’t trust him with making decisions that help you, then you can’t trust him with anything.” *Amanda, 21
“I know that this is the worst thing that can happen to a girl especially when they would do anything for them. But stay strong and move on because it might be hard now but it was just an opening for someone better. God has a good plan and he will use this in a good way.” *Troy, 20
“First make sure everyone knows he is a lying ass. Then go get some ice cream watch Netflix and then get up the next day and remind yourself that you are worth it and no one can ruin that for you.” *Shelby, 19
When you know they're the right person:
“When that person makes yourself better and all you want to do is be better for that person. You don’t matter anymore they do.” *Darren, 19
“You know it’s the right person when that person will eat Mexican food with you every day.” *Cameron, 21
“He will bring you flowers on the first date and he won't ask you out through Facebook. Actually this might not mean he is the right person, but it’s a good start.” *Meghan, 19
When you don’t know whether you should go for it or not:
“You only live once, that’s the motto. Go for it, right f***ing now, because life is to short to play the s**t games.” *James, 19
“I don’t really know how to answer this because I feel like if you have to ask the question, to go for it or not, maybe it isn’t the best thing for you. Maybe it is.” *Kelly, 21
When you’re still single:
“Girl, just do you right now, because this is the time to find out who you are without any influence. Make some awesome life decisions that will one day impact the person you marry for the better.” *Samantha, 20
“Being single is the best, you save so much money around Christmas time. Looks like I can buy another pair of socks for myself.” *Christine, 19
“Hey, I might be single but at least I can right swipe any girl I see now.” *Chandler, 19
* Names have been changed for privacy reasons.