It seems as though many millennials don’t care to or know how to properly dress up. Too often, I see people who wear band shirts and pajamas around college campuses and around the city. There is nothing inherently wrong with dressing down or casually, however there is a time and place for these types of clothes. If you are performing a concert in a band, a low key get together with friends, or a stay at home evening with the family are certain settings where dressing casual is appropriate.
But it’s not just millennials that make this mistake. Unfortunately, I also see many teachers that choose not to dress professionally around college campuses. However, as a teacher, I think it is appropriate to set a standard to your students, giving off an air of professionalism as opposed to dressing down. If a professor dresses in shorts, gym clothes, torn clothing, or anything considered casual, you instantly give off an impression to your students that you are more of a friend than a professor. If this is the case, you are more likely to be taken less seriously by your students.
It’s important for students to dress professionally because not only are we giving off a better impression to others, we feel better when we do and often perform better when we do. It’s similar to making an effort by going to the gym in the morning. If we make that extra effort, we end up feeling happier and more confident. We communicate to people by everything we do in public life. Therefore, by dressing up, we are showing that we care not only about ourselves, but also about others around us.
Many people may say that it’s difficult dressing up since educators and students may not have the money to do so since dressing up is so expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to look good.
You may want to check out local thrift stores or consignment stores. More often than not, you will find great deals on suits and slacks. If you go to the right stores, you can often find inexpensive sport coats that look incredible. You don't need to shop at stores like J Crew of Banana Republic in order to look like a young professional. Even if you choose to go to stores like J Crew or department stores, you can find sales and even student discounts at times if you feel the need to buy new clothes instead of purchasing second hand.
So please, only wear tank tops and sandals
when you are at the beach and only wear gym clothes when you are actually at
the gym. There isn't an excuse. If you aren't fully convinced that you should dress professionally, try this; if you are feeling down, try dressing professionally for the week. See how your attitude and productivity changes. No, you aren't selling your soul by dressing this way. You can have fun with your professional attire. Not everything has to be matching perfectly in order to dress professionally. We are living in the 21st century, it's okay to dress with personality, but keep the casual stuff for casual settings.