Consider yourself ghosted, Snapchat.
With Snapchat comes a lot of unnecessary drama, and honestly, I don't miss it. I don't even feel a desire to know how many Snaps I've missed, who has Snapped me, and what any of the Snaps have said. It's one less distraction.
What begins as sending videos and messages, quickly turns into caption-less selfies. Suddenly, communication comes to a screeching halt.
Gone are the days of "Come here often?" and "Can I get your number?"
In today's social media dominated world, Snapchat is the go-to communication app. It's easy, convenient, and takes virtually no effort.
However, what started as a new way to communicate with those around us, has actually stunted our communication and therefore our relationships.
You are no longer an individual, but rather a "streak", and that's if things are going well.
There have been times when I have been Snapchatting a guy and things seem to be going great when they just decide they don't want to talk anymore. This leaves me questioning myself and what I possibly did wrong. To make matters worse, the guy will typically send me another generalized Snap a few months later just to keep me hanging on.
It goes both ways. My good guy friend was getting to know a girl and they were in the middle of a conversation on Snapchat when suddenly, she just stopped responding. Better yet, she didn't even open his Snap for nine months. He still wonders what happened. Luckily, he has a sense of humor and can joke about it. But for others, something like this may have long-lasting effects.
Not only has Snapchat had an impact on romantic relationships, but social life in general.
I had a false sense of who my real friends were. Snapchat made me feel like I was so much closer to people who I rarely spoke to in person. Many of my relationships were merely surface level, and I didn't even realize it until I deleted the app altogether. I figured those who were really my friends and wanted to continue to have a relationship had my phone number, and we could FaceTime, talk on the phone, or even text.
I also felt like I constantly had to be doing something. If I was doing something, I was often more focused on putting it on my snapchat story than actually living in the moment.
"Hold on, let me put this on my story," was a phrase I used all too often.
I'm sure the next time someone asks me, "You got Snap?" and I say no, I'll get funny looks and questioning remarks.
But I'll take the real-life interaction over a streak any day.
popularSep 11, 2018
I'm The Millennial Girl Who Ghosted Snapchat, And I Have No Regrets
"You got Snap?"