It seems like more and more proclamations and articles of how millennials being lazy or self-entitled have appeared across the internet. It's always that millennials do not work hard or value the dollar; That millennials are self-absorbed through social media and many other (vague) traits passed on from ideas of the Baby Boomers. The truth is millennials are not lazy, they are just broke and tired.
Millennial (Generation Y): An individual born between 1980 to 2000 and has reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st century.
Millennials make up about 23 percent of the population, and they are considered the most engaged in technology, the most optimistic, and the most ethnically diverse. They were motivated a lot by the trend of participation trophies and, therefore, gained a lot of confidence. Some people refer to the confidence as narcissism, but I think it has to do with the positivity of being yourself in this period. The optimism of the future in America is relevant, and understanding important issues in America has increased.
The criticism usually adheres from Baby Boomers, or generations before. Each tends to attribute such negative traits to millennials. I feel that other generations at times may not take the time to understand how times have changed and only see millennials as doing more wrong than good. However, living in this period is the best time to live. Millennials are self-aware of issues in society and are active in changing them.
The price of living compared to the price of income has drastically changed from that of a Baby Boomer. Baby Boomers were acquiring a higher income and were spending 15% less of their income on rent. Student debt was almost nonexistent, while student debt on average now is $30,000. College costed 150% less than it does today. Housing was three times cheaper, meaning that most of the Baby Boomers could become a homeowner. Millennials spend most of their paychecks on rent and home prices and debt is steadily increasing.
With the odds against us, we must work even harder in the workforce just to accumulate enough money to live substantially. Just from growing up with a set schedule of school, sports, camps and understanding the importance of succeeding, there's a pressure to constantly work. Millennials are more likely to forfeit paid days off than older generations. Millenials are working hard to catch up with the failing economy that Baby Boomers altered.
At times, Millennials could be not challenged, as technology is such a big factor in the workplace and may become complacent. Studies show that about one third are making the most of their skills and experiences. This creates an empowerment to take their growth and careers into their own hands. People use social media as a self-branding opportunity to showcase their skills. We have a greater connection to the global community and feel a sense of responsibility, so therefore, we work harder to attain that. Millenials see work as a sense of their self and want to impact society in a positive way so they do that by working hard. They want purpose and are driven.