Millennials often take the blame for problems that arise in society, and sometimes, it seems like society is millennials vs. the world. Some struggles that this generation goes through are light-hearted jokes, but many are systemic problems that need to be resolved. Here is a combination of real and first-world problems listed in a way that truly embodies the spirit of this generation: making fun of our deeper struggles as a coping mechanism!
1. Millenials ruin ​​literally everything
From ruining the diamond industry,to lunch, to even marriage, millennials have been accused of destroying industries as a generation. Darn millennials with a conscience about the harmful environmental impacts of the diamond industry or brands with inhumane practices. Why don't they just sit back and let the world continue on its path to destruction??
2. No one else will ever understand millennials
Isn't it just so darn frustrating when you want to talk to a colleague about Courage the Cowardly Dog or Rugrats, but because these shows are part of things that "only 90s kids will understand", your colleague probably won't understand it? Oh the pain when someone doesn't know what a tamagotchi is!
3. Millennials are not employable
If only you stopped buying avocado toast, you might be able to actually afford a house! It definitely doesn't matter that your generation entered the workforce at one of the worst times possible around the time of the Global Financial Crisis and as a result had to compromise pay just to get a job. No, that must not be the reason why. It's definitely the avocado toast.
4. Millennials are 'snowflakes'
Look at millennials being disruptive and angry after hearing someone make racist remarks. Why can't they just take a joke??? A small comment about how a Filipino American should "go back to China to pick rice or something" never hurt anyone right (except the millions of Asian minorities in Western countries who not only have their own diverse cultures, but also contributed so much to a country that will still view them as outsiders no matter what). And that sexual remark in the middle of a business meeting to 'lighten the mood' most definitely doesn't continue to perpetuate the idea that women are inferior in the workplace! Jeez, millennials really need to lighten up.