Our generation is becoming known as the most apathetic in history. Everyone is aware of it. Everyone has seen the articles claiming that we have no hope for the future and that we may never vote. We don’t leave our dorm rooms when we don’t have to. The only reason we go out is because we are afraid we will become socially obsolete. We have very little faith in politicians, we don't know our representative’s names let alone what they stand for. We are simultaneously the most informed and the least involved segment of society. Here’s why.
For starters, every story we hear is either “Look at all of the babies and puppies and people returning to their families from war!” or “The world is going to shit, there are so many wars and so much poverty and soon your house will be underwater!” We are so used to hearing awful things that they are no longer imminent to us, they don’t affect us or our lives. We can’t care because simply too many things are wrong for us to care about all of them.
We are the most highly educated, career oriented, and productive generation. We have constant access to the internet. We have to be scrupulous about what interests us because the job market is more competitive and highly specialized. We also marry later, which gives us more time to worry about the world instead of ourselves. Who wouldn’t have a meltdown and never leave their room again?
With the wisdom of Eminem, we are reminded that we have more opportunities than any other generation. We could fly to any country in the world tomorrow. Yet, nothing seems to get solved. No matter how hard we try, nothing seems to be enough. We are extremely busy, but all of our hard work doesn’t always pay off.
Yes, we are the most educated generation. But we are also facing a very competitive job market because everyone else our age works just as hard as we do and has the same degree. Now, it is almost required to have a college degree, where people used to be able to get by on a high school diploma. And don’t forget that to get a job, you need experience, and to get experience, you need a job. What kind of system is that?
Why would you do things and get involved when you can watch 10 seasons of "Friends" at the drop of a hat?
Our apathy isn’t simply laziness or a lack of interest. We are interested, we do care and we are motivated. It is just becoming more and more difficult to do that. The only reason we are so apathetic is because we have so much going on. I advise that we take our apathy with a grain of salt. Every generation has had their downfalls, the Silent Generation said worse things about the Baby Boomers when they were our age. Accept that things can be overwhelming, that you are doing your best and that midterms are over. That’s one thing to feel good about. And when we compare to other generations, we do pretty well. So hold your head high. We may be a little apathetic from time to time, but at least it isn’t our fault.