We've all seen some of the most insane things millennials are blamed for ruining. While most of us don't take these articles seriously, it's still pretty annoying that anyone could possibly believe it. We're so much more than what the news stations claim. Here are some of the funniest things millennials have been blamed for.
3. Millennials are killing the sport of golf
I mean, okay, I'm okay with killing this one.
5. Millennials are killing face-to-face interactions, thanks to smart phones
But who invented the smart phone? A millennial? Who gave the smart phones to us? That's what I thought. Go home.
6. Millennials are killing corked wine because they prefer canned, twist off, or boxed wine.
7. Millennials are killing department stores
Yeah, absolutely, not because someone invented the convenience of Amazon or anything.
8. Millennials are killing the diamond industry
Well why are they so expensive? How do you expect us to afford that when we can't find jobs?
12. Millennials have killed Home Depot
Rest in peace, Home Depot. Apparently, we've destroyed you.
13. Millennials have killed fashion
Next up, we'll be killing clothes in general.
At least we have avocado toast.