It's not that I'm ungrateful. I am, really. It's just that when people give you unwarranted advice, odds are you've heard it before already. This is undeniably the case with most college students. From the ages of 18-21, you will hear so many different pieces of advice, and get asked so many different, overarching questions, but the same ones over and over and over again. Sometimes, you just have to grin and bear it—or write an Odyssey article about it.
1. "You should think about a minor in business!"
I have thought about it. About how much I do not want to do that.
2. "You NEED to study abroad!!!!"
Okay, this one makes more sense than the others because it is a great opportunity. However, for someone who doesn't like to be more than 45 minutes away from home at all times, it's just not in the cards for me. But thanks anyways for reminding me.
3. "Why didn't you join a sorority?"
I truly, honestly, really just do not have half of the energy and pep in my entire body that those girls have in their pinky fingers. Also, I don't have the bank funds for all of those outfits.
4. "Are you and your boyfriend going to get married right out of college?"
Listen lady, I don't even know what I'm having for lunch tomorrow.
5. "You don't look 20!"
Is that supposed to be a compliment or are we just stating blatantly obvious facts here?
6. "Have you thought about grad school?"
I don't wanna talk about it. I don't know what day it is.
7. "Do you have an internship lined up for this summer?"
Do multiple dog-sitting and babysitting gigs count? No?
8. "What do you want to do with your major?"
Well, first I'd like to graduate. That's as far as I've gotten.
9. "Oh, an English major! So you want to be a teacher?"
Oh! No. No, I don't.
10. "Are you excited about turning 21?!"
What do you think?
11. "How does it feel to be an adult?"
Um, ask my Mom. I have no idea.
12. "This is the decade for having children!"
Why would I want to take care of two children at the same time—myself and a slightly younger version of me??
13. "In ten years, you'll be 30."
Although the math seems rather obvious, I hadn't ever thought about it until you just said that. Now, I am terrified.
14. "Where do you want to live after college—practically speaking?"
Preferably back in my childhood bedroom with my mom right downstairs, thank you.
15. "Do you cook a lot at your apartment?"
I do a wide variety of culinary arts. Microwave meals, frozen meals made into delicacies by the oven, etc.
16. "Does it feel different to not be a teenager anymore?"
If it's possible, I feel younger.
17. "Are you excited to graduate?"
Y E S. It's been a long time coming.
18. "Are you ready for the real world?"
Am I... Is this... not it?
19. "Do you feel wiser now that you're no longer a teen, and about to graduate?"
I plead the fifth.
20. "Oh you will love your new 9-5 lifestyle!"
Thank you?
Basically, most of the adults in your life just want to tease you and not actually give you a ton of helpful advice. While there are definitely acceptions, just put your best foot forward and remember you've got a whole lot more time to figure it all out than you think.