Our twenties are hard, full of change, and quite honestly the most confusing time we’ll go through.
Maybe, just maybe, it’ll be a little easier knowing these things.
1. Just because it doesn’t work out, doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. This goes for everything from relationships, to jobs, to that pair of high-waisted shorts.
2. Comparing yourself to other girls will only make you sick. You are different, you are great, and you are more than enough. Own it.
3. No one's life is as good as it appears on social media. It's so easy to put your best foot forward in Instagram squares, but it's mostly superficial.
4. Not everyone is meant to be a size 2 with rockstar abs. Be confident in the body you're in.
6. Don't let a boy shape your worth, you are worthy with or without him.
7. On that note, don't let a boy control anything in your life.
8. In case you're missing the theme here, don't let that boy take you away from your friends and family. They're the ones who are going to be with you at your wedding, even though he might not be.
9. It really, really doesn't matter what people think of you. If you're happy, do it.
10. Change your major if it isn't what you want to do. Long term you're the one who will be living it out, so don't listen to people who deter you.
11. Stop being scared to make a move. Whether it be a haircut or texting that cute guy first, just DO IT.
12. Even on your worst days, remember you've felt like this before and you have always made it through.
13. Even the hardest trials are lessons that make you a better version of yourself.
14. Nothing worth having ever comes easy.
15. It's okay, whatever you're struggling with, I promise you will get through it.
I know these are all cliché, but coming from someone who has
recently come to learn all of these myself, it is true what people say. Clichés
are there for a reason, and during such a formative time in our lives it’s
important we have something to remind us that everything is going to be okay.
These crazy emotions are important and everything we’re feeling is normal!