If you're anything like me, the sheer utterance of the word "millennial" elicits a shudder of disgust.
First off, let's get clear that a millennial is someone who was born between the mid-1980's and early 2000s. You mentally prepare yourself for the barrage of reprimanding statements talking about how lazy, uncultured, demanding and vile your age cohort is.
These days it seems like the millennial generation is getting blamed for EVERYTHING. One of the biggest topics of conversation, second only to how us buying avocado toast is killing the stock market, is our dating habits. Among this conversation you'll hear about how we are "swiping our lives away" or hooking up without a hint of inhibition. And yeah, sure, there are a number of us that do this, but to categorize us by the dating habits of a few is toxic. We all know that across generations, there have always been, and will always be, men and women who don't play "by the rules" of dating. Being millennial and being a gentleman are not mutually exclusive.
A gentleman is a courteous, kind, thoughtful man.
He is a man who has his priorities in order; he takes care of what needs to be done. A gentleman is someone who is willing to go out of his way, and even out of his comfort zone, to keep his lady happy. He is someone who respects a woman for who she is and acknowledges how she enriches his life. A gentleman is not only willing to accept credit when deserved, but give credit where it is due. A gentleman is thankful for the people who have helped him climb the mountains he has conquered, and he does not forget the valleys from which he has came.
So, what is a millennial gentleman?
Sure, he doesn't show up at your house with flowers...well, maybe he does.
He texts you first thing in the morning, right before bed, or randomly throughout the day to let you know that you're the one he's thinking about. He shows up at your award ceremony, graduation, or work to let you know that he is so proud of you. A millennial gentleman will like your pictures on Instagram and comment a heart-eye emoji every now and then because it's cute, fun, and lighthearted.
Most of all, a millennial gentleman understands that his lady is capable, resourceful, intelligent; she is a force to be reckoned with.
He acknowledges this, praises her for her tenacity, and chose her to be his partner because of this. A millennial gentleman is a partner, and we all need a partner.