As defined by Merriam Webster's dictionary, a millennial is, "a person who was born in the 1980s or 1990s." For many millennials, this election cycle has been the first time that they have been able to actively participate in politics. It has given many a platform in which to share their thoughts, views, and opinions.
Let me tell you a little about myself as one of these millennials. I am a college student. I do not identify as liberal, conservative, or anything in between. In my opinion, my set of values do not truly align with any party, and I am okay with that. I could sit here and line up my beliefs for you to analyze, judge, or just read through, but I am also not going to do that.
In this election, millennials have found their voices and a platform on which to share them. Social media has also amplified these voices. Many found themselves standing strongly behind both of our major-party presidential candidates. Many also thought they knew the results of the presidential election before November 8th.
When Donald Trump was announced as the president-elect of the United States, many millennials took to the streets to continue to have their voices heard. Using their right to a peaceful protest, many have chosen to assemble in major U.S. cities in order to express their distaste for Mr. Trump.
While these groups are exercising a Constitutional right, others are choosing to call them names: lazy, whiney and bratty. Because the protestors are choosing to exactly what their name implies: protest.
Webster's defines protest as:
- Something said or done that shows disagreement with or disapproval of something.
- An event at which people gather together to show strong disapproval about something.
Protests are happening in major cities such as Chicago, New York, Indianapolis, Austin and San Antonio (where I, myself, witnessed a demonstration, this weekend). People of various ethnicities, sexual orientations, faiths and other differences have chosen to protest against something that they believe will be harmful to them.
Protest has been used throughout history for many groups to voice their concerns and beliefs. In the past few years, people have protested everything from Planned Parenthood to Wall Street. There is always a group of protestors who disagree with something, the something they are protesting, and someone who agrees with that very something.
Those protesting are not lazy. They are not whiney. They are not brats. They are people who are afraid. They are people who are angry. They are people who are doubtful. They are protestors. They care very passionately about their beliefs. They are millennials.
Millennials are fighting to be heard. They are fighting to create the world that they will continue to grow up in. The world where they will have and raise their children. The world where they will retire, grow old, and find a comfy rocking chair on a porch somewhere. I am proud to be a member of a generation that has the courage to stand up for their beliefs; one day we millennials will be able to change the world.