Born on Nov. 23, 1992, Miley Cyrus came into this world like any other girl. She didn’t know she would be famous, but it almost seemed as if the stars had aligned for her. Other than originally having the birth name “Destiny,” Miley also grew up with a country singer star dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, and connections in Nashville because of him.
Over the years, Miley Cyrus has been all over the place, literally. That chick lived a double life for years on TV as Hannah Montana, cut off all of her hair, became unengaged, restarted dating her ex-fiance, all making her the wrecking ball that she is. Even when she was seemingly innocent as Hannah Montana, signs clearly showed she was going down a wild path with her half-naked Vanity Fair cover, “Can’t Be Tamed” crazy bird cage video and wearing daisy dukes on top of a car in “Party in the USA.” Still, I love that bitch, and she is still my role model.
Call me crazy. Go for it. Frankly, I probably am for idolizing a girl who dedicated an entire album to her dead pets, a girl who prances around the stage like she’s the hottest thing in the world and a girl who went from being America’s, or at least Disney’s sweetheart to something many parents wouldn’t condone. Fact is, Miley is all of that, but that is why she is my role model.
Miley doesn’t really care what anybody thinks and does what she wants. She is motivated, determined and proud of her mistakes and individuality. She isn’t afraid to test the water and change who she is, only to realize it would become a huge regret. She isn’t one dimensional, and she strays away from mainstream peer pressure. She is comfortable enough with herself to find comfort in being different. She does her thing, and she is good at it.