11 Weird Milestones In Long Term Relationships | The Odyssey Online
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11 Weird Milestones In Long-Term Relationships

Here are some oddly specific things you'd only realize if you've been dating for awhile.

11 Weird Milestones In Long-Term Relationships
Anna Lustyk

We've all heard of the cliché milestones in relationships—the first kiss, the first "I love you," etc. But what about the milestones that no one talks about because they're gross or odd? I think they matter just as much. Being gross and odd is part of the relationship, in my opinion. It shows vulnerability and closeness that you can be yourself without fear of rejection. The more time you spend with someone, the more you learn about them.

Here are the weirdest milestones in long-term relationships:

1. Touching each other's feet for the first time

Some people HATE feet, so if touching your partner's feet is NBD then you two must be pretty comfortable. I think it's really sweet when my boyfriend and I are on the couch and he just starts rubbing my feet.

2. Farting in front of each other

Okay, so people do talk about this. The first time you fart in front of your partner is kind of hyped up. If you can just fart at free will in front of each other, you probably have spent a lot of time together.

3. Throwing in each other's laundry


This might apply more to people who live together, but it's still relevant. I think throwing in each other's smelly socks and old underwear is pretty cool, in a kind of gross way. It demonstrates a level of kindness and selflessness that isn't expected.

4. Texting their parents without being asked to

Getting over the slightly awkward period with your partner's relatives takes time. But soon enough, you'll be sending them memes and planning surprise birthday parties without being prompted.

5. Having serious conversations about your hypothetical pet

It probably started off as a joke, but a couple months later and you're googling what doggy daycare place is the best for your imaginary dog. Seriously though, any future worth planning together has pets, so you're on the right track.

6. Asking for more toilet paper

This one is a twinge awkward every time because you worked so hard to create the illusion that you don't poop. Even just talking about poop with your partner is weird, but long-term, it's honestly more healthy than pretending you don't poop.

7. Popping each other's zits

...Or picking at each other's sick in general. I don't even want to defend this one, so say what you will. Your partner doing it is definitely cheaper than a dermatologist, though, so that's a plus, I guess.

8. Throwing up in front of each other

It takes a very caring person to hold your hair or rub your back while you're throwing up. If your partner does this for you, they're in it for the long haul.

9. Crying in front of them

This one is not that weird, but it needs some recognition. Being able to cry in front of someone without fear of being judged is a really comforting thing. Your partner gets best friend points every time they comfort you when you cry.

10. Showering together

The movies lied to you. Showering together just doesn't make a lot of practical sense. One of you is always cold waiting for the water. Either way, trying new things together is what relationships are all about.

11. Going over to the other's place just to nap

Let's just skip the cute cuddling and go straight to what's important here, sleep. Sometimes sleep is more important than hanging out, but you still want your partner close. Sleeping next to someone is a bonding experience.

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