You know what is coming. You know what lies ahead. The dreadful goodbye between you and the person you love. Emotions come in waves and you are not sure whether to cry or smile when you have one last hug goodbye. Then they're gone.
Does this sound familiar? Long distance relationships are not easy, in fact they are often emotionally draining. So how do people make it work? How do relationships last when you are only able to be together for a weekend or holiday every three months? Is the relationship really worth it? Here's how you can find out:
1. You're okay talking once a day. So I will be the first to say that at the beginning of a long distance relationship you are tempted to text and call as much as possible. You cancel plans and stay in just for a five minute phone call and your friends all hate hanging out with you because you're constantly checking your phone. DO NOT DO THIS. I repeat, DO NOT DO THIS. To have a successful long distance relationship both partners need to be able to focus on their own day and have a life apart from the other. Make a plan to call each other in the morning or evening and spend a good half hour talking about your days. If you haven't been texting all day then the conversation should continue easily and you will both be grateful for the time you get to talk to one another.
2. Keep track of your next reunion. College long distance relationships are great if you both know your schedules. You can plan in advance your next time together and it makes the times apart go that much faster. If you're on the other unfortunate end of the spectrum and in love with a military man like me, sometimes you just have to remember that you won't be apart forever, even if you won't be together in the near future.
3. Have a killer playlist. Let me tell you, sometimes when you're away for six plus months at a time, you're going to have days when you just need a good cry because you can't be in each other's arms. Make a playlist starting with your sad songs and have a good cry. But don't forget to throw in some fun dance songs at the end to lift your spirits and remember, this isn't forever!
Now always keep in mind that it's okay to grow apart, as long as you come back together. Being apart for long periods of time is okay and it is natural to change as individuals. You may not be the crazy teenagers who first started dating and were way too obsessed with each other, but if you love each other, growing up in a relationship is a normal part of life. When you're apart you are destined to become more of your own individual person, but if you are meant to last forever being reunions will be effortless. So to all you crazy kids leaving each other to go separate ways for college, it is not the end of the world but...may the odds be ever in your favor.