There is news about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump everywhere you turn, and there should be because one of them will become the President of the United States. However, there is little said about the candidates that are running for the second-highest executive position of the United States. Here are a few facts about Tim Kaine and Mike Pence:
Tim Kaine - Hillary Clinton’s Running Mate
Background Information:
- Senator for Virginia
- Democrat
- Graduated from the University of Missouri (1979) and Harvard School of Law (1983)
Political and Professional Experience:
- Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia
- Lieutenant Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia
- Mayor, City of Richmond
- Councilman, City Council, Richmond, Virginia
- Attorney
- Professor, Legal Ethics, University of Richmond School of Law
On the Issues:
- Supports Roe v. Wade
- Supports public abortion funding
- Supports same-sex marriage
- Does not support the death penalty
- Supports common core
- Supports raising taxes
- Supports ObamaCare
- Supports restricting the Second Amendment
Mike Pence- Donald Trump's Running Mate
Background Information:
- Governor of Indiana
- Republican
- Graduated from Hanover College and Indiana University Bloomington
Political and Professional Experience:
- Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
- Chairman of the House Republican conference
- Chairman of the Republican Study Committee
- Attorney
- Hosted a talk and TV radio show in Indiana
On the Issues:
- Pro-life
- Against public abortion funding
- Against same-sex marriage
- Supports the death penalty
- Against common core
- Wants to simplify the tax code
- Accepted ObamaCare for his state
- Supports the Second Amendment
Often overlooked, the Vice President serves a vital part in America. Not only is the Vice President first person in the presidential line of succession, but also the President of the United States Senate. Therefore, it is important that American citizens stay informed.
On The Issues - Senator Tim Kaine
On The Issues - Governor Mike Pence
Fox News