I tortured myself and watched another presidential election debate, and just like the last one, I am not impressed AT ALL!! Both vice president hopefuls did a great job appearing to care, and did a great run around of talking about things that matter without talking about things that matter. What troubled me, however, is immediately after the debate was over a CNN correspondent announced that based on style alone Mike Pence won the debate. He even went as far as to say that Pence looked like the more polished politician.
Let’s be clear, Mike Pence is like Satan’s son. He is an evil sick man, and I do not care how many good speeches and appearances he does. The media has to stop the madness and stop making these nuts look like normal human beings.
So to help others understand why I strongly dislike Pence here are 5 reasons, that Mike Pence is evil.
1. Pence believes that homosexuality is a sin and homosexuals should have to go through conversion therapy.
Conversion therapy is when extreme measures are used to get gay people (mainly adolescents). It is basically mental torture many who go through this are effected negatively for years. One woman recounted her experience in an in-depth article written by Carl Charles for advocate in Nov 2015. She was in the conversion therapy for months, she recalled some of the things that were yelled to her at the age of 15 over and over again, ““Why can’t you dress more like a lady? Who taught you to dress like this? You see my daughters; they look like women. I can’t even tell if you’re a girl or a boy. How are you going to ever date a man when you don’t even wear makeup? You think Jesus wants you to be a dyke? You think Jesus died so you can march down the street with all your f****t friends?”. Mike Pence is for and an advocate for this kind of treatment.
(Source: Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2015)
2. Pence does not believe in abortion.
He believes that rape victims should have their attacker’s children and he also believes that if it were between life or death a woman should die before having an emergency abortion. Pence also believes it should be the law that women who had miscarriages should have to pay for funeral services for the fetuses.
3. In his state, he made it LEGAL for businesses to discriminate against gay customers.
So if you and your friends are “looking gay” business can turn you away and say they are not going to serve you. Because of Mike Pence. Sounds very….1960’s ish right???
4. Pence believes that smoking does not kill! Literally!
Despite the real facts and evidence that smoking kills, Pence believes it does not kill you. He even went so far as to write about it on his website back in 2000. Mike Pence literally said, “Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill. In fact, 2 out of every 3 smokers do not contract lung cancer”. Now imagine trying to get him to him on board with climate change…smh.
5. When he drastically cut the budget for planned parenthood in his state of Indiana, he helped facilitate an HIV outbreak there.
Pence is one of the leaders against this War on Planned Parenthood. A mission that he took from Congress straight to the state he governs, Indiana. He cut funding down to approximately $1.9 million total leaving smaller clinics in smaller towns with no choice but too close. As a result, those towns experienced an HIV epidemic. The planned parenthoods that he closed did not even perform abortions but they did perform tens of thousands of HIV testing and prevention methods. With these resources gone… the towns were left without a defense for HIV.
Pence is evil and scary. Combined with Trump the results could be terrifying. I do not care how eloquently Pence speaks…his track record speaks volumes. I do not understand how you can sit out of this election. With people like this trying to become president and a supreme court seat up for grabs do not walk but run and get registered and then run to vote!