The innate purpose of this particular MIKA, or Members Interested in Kommunity Achievement, blog is to inform the public of our first event for the 2016 Fall semester here at Idaho State University. I would like to inform the public of our first ever Homecoming Party! This party will be the last thing that students can take part of as related to Idaho State University Homecoming Week. Now although we are not a part of Student Activity Board who puts on all of the previous homecoming events put on Monday through Saturday, we certainly believe in helping to enhance the Idaho State University community in any way that we can. MIKA believes that by providing a homecoming party for students to come to, dance at, and have a safe and fun time at, the university community will be enhanced. MIKA understands that a big part of any successful university setting is the ability to have a fun and safe social environment. We are opening the doors to the event at 10 PM this coming Saturday night. The event is at a place that we hold close to who we are as an organization, The Bridge. The Bridge fits what MIKA wanted to do with its party events great! The size, the look, the bar, and the unique look allows for The Bridge to help enhance the overall effectiveness of the MIKA party events. Now, although there is no particular dress code for this event, we would strongly encourage everyone to wear things related to the homecoming theme of "Strength in Stripes." We will have a fantastic DJ and a fantastic photographer there to capture all of the many fun moments students will have. We take strong pride in being able to improve on making each and every party event we have better and safer for the Idaho State University community. Some specific changes we have made for this particular homecoming party have to do with the security guards and bar area. We are confident that the applied changes that were made will be in favor for a greater and more fun overall experience! This event will hopefully be the first of many fun and community enhancing events for the year.
To give a little spotlight as to what may come next from MIKA, as far as public events go, we will also be planning and working on a fun weekend college experience starting sometime in October. I don't want to share much information from that yet but keep an eye out for that. Also, keep an eye out for a Halloween event hosted by MIKA. Last year we had our first MIKA Halloween event and look to have our second event this year! MIKA is extremely happy about its growth in helping to enhance the Idaho State University community.