Imagine waking up one morning feeling nauseous and barely being able to open your eyes. Imagine not being able to be in a room full of light because that just makes it 10-times worse. Imagine your eyes being watery because your head hurts so much.
Now, imagine someone telling you to take some Tylenol and move on with your day. That is not how migraines work. I cannot just take an OTC medicine and go about my day. Instead, I have to stay in bed. I have to be in a dark and quiet room until the pain goes away and sometimes the pain doesn't go away for days, sometimes even longer. In fact, I know when I'll get a migraine sometimes even a day in advance. I'll wake up one morning and just know that it'll be one of those days. I've stayed home because of a migraine and I can't tell you how many things I've missed out on.
Migraines aren't headaches and headaches aren't migraines.
Headaches don't cause severe pain, but migraines do. Migraines often cause a throbbing and pulsing pain that often occurs on one or both sides of the head. I can't get out of bed with a migraine. Even the thought of getting out of bed during a migraine makes me want to throw up.
Migraines are hard to control and we cannot make them stop. We can't just take ibuprofen or Excedrin and then begin our day. I wouldn't wish the light and sound sensitivity, nausea/vomiting, pain, etc. upon my worst enemy.
A migraine isn't just a bad headache. It doesn't go away with a tiny pill. I can't just "shake it off" or ignore it. Taking a nap doesn't always help. Drinking water doesn't help, either. I'm stuck dealing with a pain that can last for days.
Headaches will never be able to compare to migraines, so don't compare them.