On September 12, 2015 I found my best furry friend. I walked into the Animal Shelter and as soon as I walked in, she saw me through the glass and put her paw on it. I was sold at that moment.
I looked at all of the other dogs, and they were all super sweet. Yet, nothing seemed to compare to the puppy in the window. I asked if I could take her into a room and pet her and the workers told me that they thought she had just been adopted. They looked it up on their computers and it turns out that she had been adopted a couple of days ago, but she was brought back. So, I got the chance to really meet her and play with her.
I got to talking to the workers and they said that she was born in the shelter, that all of her brothers and sisters had been adopted, and that her mother had just been adopted as well. They told me that they had named her Lola and she was a Red Heeler. I held her for a long time. She sat in my lap, and then my mom told me it was up to me. I could not decide if it was a good decision or not.
We left, and twenty minutes later as they were locking their doors I ran in and told them that I wanted her. She got to come home with me that night. I sent my Dad pictures of her and we both decided to name her Molly. That was one of the greatest days of my life.
She was sort of nervous at first, but it did not take her long to call us her family. Within a couple of days, she stole all of our hearts and taught us (or me at least) what it truly means to love a dog.
Within a year she has gained a lot of nicknames: Molly Puppy, Molly Shannon (My mom yelled at her one night because she was being her sassy self and Molly Shannon was what came out. It has stuck ever since.) Molly Maid, (she got this by trying to help mom with laundry. She likes to shut the dryer door for mom) and Molly Dog (Dad originally called her "dog" to make me and mom feel as if he didn't care for her as much as we know he does. Eventually, he put her real name in front of it and he calls her that quite often. He really loves her, or he would not have bought her a bunch of toys.)
A lot of people tell me that "she is just a dog." But to me, she is my best furry friend and my baby. She may be a dog, but she definitely thinks that she is a human and knows what I am saying to her.
I have watched her grow from a shy puppy into a sassy, loving, funny, sweet, stubborn, smart, and beautiful dog. (Although, I will always call her my puppy.) My greatest joy when I came home from school at 3 p.m. was knowing that I could go home and just play with my puppy.
She has been there for me on my best and worst days, she watches One Tree Hill with me, she listens to my music with me without saying it's too loud or going to sleep, she shows me how to love people more, and she makes me laugh. Even though she can be a "witch" sometimes (like when she barks and growls on my bed when I try go to bed. Evidently, she doesn't think it should be my bedtime.) I will always love her and call her my "baby."
Molly Shannon is one unique character. She has separation anxiety when we leave, she gets sick when I get sick (she got an ulcer when I had my wisdom teeth taken out and was down for three weeks because I also got an infection with it. I couldn't play with her, so I guess she decided that it was her turn to get some attention) she likes to bark at cows, she likes to dance and she likes TV. Her favorite TV shows are: Dance Moms, One Tree Hill (probably because I watch it 24/7) anything Basketball (this is her favorite sport. She will watch the ball go up and down the court and she will bark when one team scores. It's the strangest thing, but so is she) and The Real Housewives of Orange County.
As you can tell, I have bonded with Molly and I love her bunches! I never thought I could love an animal as much as I love her, but I know now that is what dogs are for. Dogs show us how to love and they teach us how to live life in the most carefree and loving way. They spend their whole life loving you. That is what they were born for. It is their job to love you, even when you are at your worst. They spend their whole life by your side, by protecting you, by loving you and by believing in you. You are their caregiver and you are their human. It's your responsibility to learn from them and to love them as much as they love you.
So, what am I asking you? I am asking you to love your dog and love each moment you have with them. Unfortunately, they do not live as long as humans, so we need to be able to love them all of their life so that they feel as if their life did have purpose and as if they were loved.
If you do not have a dog and you are thinking about getting one, I encourage you to go get one. I might have saved Molly's life, but she has made mine better. Dogs change your life in a good way and I am sure you will learn to love them as much as I love Molly Shannon.
Walking into that shelter on September 12, 2015 was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Molly has enriched my life and I hope that I have and will be able to give her the best life.
Cheers to another year with you, Molly Shannon Maynard. Long may your tail wag, long may you rave, and long may you live!