You might be slightly crazy to some people or even a little obsessive. But you might be Taylor Swift's biggest fan.
1. You instantly become angry when people say things like, "Taylor Swift is a terrible singer, how does she even make money?"
2. You refer to her as Taylor, like you two talk all day every day and are BFFs.
3. You buy birthday, Valentine's Day, and Christmas cards from her, for yourself.
4. Your laptop background is a tiled picture of her.
5. When one of her songs come on in a public place, you make everyone stop what they are doing just to listen.
6. You don't sleep the night before her concert tickets come out. And you wake up four hours before while you glue your face to the screen refreshing it every 30 seconds.
7. You follow every social media account that has Taylor Swift in the username.
8. You cry when she performs on TV.
9. You replay the scenes from the movie Valentine's Day just so you can laugh to yourself.
10. When you are bored, you read her bio on her website just to stay up to date on all of her information.
11. You celebrate her birthday as if you were meeting her for dinner.
12. You call Walmart or Target at midnight to see if they have released her new CD. Then you show up to buy it and the wall is still full of them.
13. Your favorite number is 13 -- because it's Taylor's, too.
14. You find the saddest song she sings and you listen to it over and over again.
15. You try to write your love story out into lyrics just so you can be like her.
16. Your social media accounts are identical to her usernames except it is your name in front of the 13.
17.You like cats, because she likes cats.
18. Your six-CD player in your car is only filled with her CDs.
19. You dress up in lights for her concert begging, crying, and going nuts because you want Mama Swift to pick you to meet her after the concert.
20. When she cuts or colors her hair, you do as well.
21. When her peacoat from Top Shop went on sale, you tried so hard to get it! But it was on back order and sold out for months.
22. You buy every magazine that she's on the cover of, even if she only has one paragraph in the whole thing.
23. You compare her music to you, like she wrote it for you and no one else.
24. You preordered her album on iTunes and bought it in stores.
25. And your favorite thing to do is drive with no destination, blaring, screaming, and crying to her music!
Does this sum up most of your life? Ultimately, you win because you are not her biggest fan unless you do at least 13 of the 25 things, above. You are not ashamed to be a fan because you nodded your head the whole time reading this article. In case you need to be reminded, she will be in Indianapolis on Sept. 16 for the best night of your life. I mean -- that's what you spent all of your money on, right?