Most people have at least heard of the television series "Grey’s Anatomy," a drama that follows the journey of a group of surgical interns as they work their way up to attending status. But just knowing about the show doesn’t make you a fan. Maybe you ARE a fan, but you just don’t know it yet. If that’s the case, it’s time for you to recognize your true potential. Here are some ways to know if you’re a true fan of "Grey’s Anatomy."
You might be a "Grey’s Anatomy" fan if you’ve watched the entire series on Netflix at least twice. You know what happens in every episode, but somehow it never gets old. Every time a new season comes out, you feel the need to watch the entire series again to remind yourself of everything that has happened just in case you forgot something, even though you and I both know you didn’t. How could you?
You might be a "Grey’s Anatomy" fan if you feel like you can help people in real life because you’ve watched the show. Someone needs a kidney transplant? No worries! You’ve seen it done at least five times. All you need is for someone to hand you a scalpel. Oh, and don’t forget to wear your lucky surgery cap.
You might be a "Grey’s Anatomy" fan if you’ve ever felt victimized by Shonda Rimes (even though you don’t really know her). You love her because she created possibly the best show to ever exist, and she keeps you coming back for more by making you fall in love with the characters and throwing in crazy plot twists that you never saw coming. But you also hate her for hitting you in the feels by killing off the best characters one at a time and expecting you to be okay with it. How are you supposed to handle feeling every emotion in a 45-minute period? You just really don’t know, but somehow you manage.
You might be a "Grey’s Anatomy" fan if you cancel plans on Thursday nights so that you don’t miss the newest episode. Who needs social interaction when all of the people you know best are on the show? After all, you can hang out with real live people anytime, but Grey’s only plays on Thursdays. Priorities.
You might be a "Grey’s Anatomy" fan if you put the date of the next season premiere on your calendar. How could you miss it? You have to find out how Meredith is going to survive without Derek, and how the hospital is going to survive with Bailey as chief. You just have to.
When people ask you about how much you watch Grey’s, you tell them that it’s your break every week from the stresses of life, but we all know that it’s more like a healthy obsession. It’s okay! You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. You just keep on keepin’ on. There’s no shame in being a true blue fan of "Grey’s Anatomy."