I know, I know. There's enough Buzzfeed articles and other quizzes about being a Georgia native than what should really be acceptable. But coming from those of us who were actually Georgia born-and-raised, it can be easy to pick us out of a crowd. In case you were unsure, you're probably from Georgia if...
1. You knew how to make sweet tea before you knew how to drive a car.
Whether you use Lipton or Luzianne tea bags, remember to pile on the sugar and don't leave the pot sitting too long.
2. You tell people where you live in relation to how far it is from Atlanta.
Especially for those of us living in no-name towns, it's easier to just say you live an hour and a half south of Atlanta than it is to have people say they've never heard of your town when you try to name it.
3. You've been to Lane's Peaches. Several times.
Did every middle school take the kids on field trips to Lane's every year or was it just mine?
4. When people outside of the south complain about the heat, you just sit back and laugh.
Don't even try complaining about how hot your summers are until you've gotten burns from the concrete at eleven in the morning.
5. Winter is basically just a colder summer to you.
The sun never ceases to shine. But once that temperature drops to the 50s, you better believe we'll suit up like we live in Antarctica.
6. College football is kind of everything to you and your family.
If you don't know of at least one family that has a "Family Divided" license plate or yard sign, y'all aren't dedicated.
7. Nobody you know does anything on Sundays... like, anything.
Sundays are for going to church and eating. Oh, and watching football.
8. You know there's nothing prettier than driving through backroads on a spring afternoon.
You and a couple friends pile in a pickup, roll the windows down and just drive with no real destination.
9. Every boy you know either dresses in Vineyard Vines shorts with Sperrys or boots with long jeans. And there's really no in between.
It's like every one of them is a clone just with different hair colors.
10. You experience the never-ending change in the weather.
So you want to wear that new sweater in the morning? Have fun with that heatstroke you'll get by noon.
11. You may never admit it, but you low-key think there's no better place to live than in this Georgia country.
Sure, you might sweat off all your makeup in the summer and never see a white Christmas, but hey, it's home.