When you are in college there is only one thing that is constantly on your mind: money, and by money I mean the lack thereof. College is expensive, which means your bank account remains in the negative, and because of this, your apartment is just a sad space. Here are some signs that you are indeed in college:
You might be a college kid if ...
You use folding lawn chairs as furniture. I walked into my friend's apartment one time and his seating arrangements were red folding chairs, I cannot make this up.
You might be a college kid if ...
All your cups come from restaurants. Guilty as charged. The amount of Slims, Zaxby's kid meals, and Newk's cups I own is sad.
You might be a college kid if ...
Your blood type is coffee. Coffee in the morning, coffee at school, coffee in the library, coffee IV, whatever does the trick.
You might be a college kid if ...
The tops of your cabinets are lined with alcohol bottles. Why is this a thing? I really do not care how much alcohol you have consumed in the amount of time that you have lived here, sorry.
You might be a college kid if ...
The library is your second home. I've spent more time in Club Mullins than I care to know. That place is eventually going to give me Nam-like flashbacks.
You might be a college kid if ...
You've ridden on a scooter. Whether it be as the driver or as a passenger, scooters run this place. Double the points if you have been on one with more than one person!
You might be a college kid if ...
You have volunteered at the animal shelter. We all need a little animal fix when we miss our fur balls at home!
You might be a college kid if...
This is you.