What's up, my fellow Jesus freaks? I have something to share with you. It's a passage that speaks to me and reminds me of a powerful song that plays on the Air1 radio station frequently. Perhaps it's lyrics can spark a flame in your soul like it did in mine. It's called "He Said" by Group 1 Crew (click that link to listen to it). This particular song can resonate with everyone at one point or another. As things get worse in our world, we can make a choice as to where to run. You can let the brokenness of the world swallow you whole, numb yourself to its wrath or essentially become rubber and take your woes in stride by bending with the Lord.
We live in a place that is broken. Every day we sit next to a broken person, or to put it better, a person that is bending. In our journey we bend to the world and to our own personal problems. The heartache takes a heavy toll whether you believe in God or not. It's all in the game of life. Lucky for us, God sent his son and his blood has given us the beauty of a relationship with Him. We have the choice to bring the weight of our troubles and broken hearts to Him. On our own, we break under the pressure. But, with the Lord, we bend.
As it states in 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way so that you can endure it."
You were made to bend, not to break. You were made to bear the struggles that oppress you. God is faithful in his love and in his peace. Everything that you have felt, Jesus has already gone before you. He has overcome what you are enduring. And because He has overcome, in him, you can overcome, too. As the song lyrics go, "I won't give you more, more than you can take and I might let you bend but I won't let you break." Anything that gets in the way of your peace is not from God; the brokenness comes from that of which has fallen away from God. However, according to this scripture, God will make a way for you to endure the temptation that you feel.
There will always be trouble in the world. There will always be evil people doing evil things. However, the presence of evil highlights the presence of good. Where there is darkness, there is light. Where there is brokenness, there is God. Where there is God, there is love.
My point is to remember that you have a choice to bend or to break. You have a broken heart, you are not a broken person. The world is a broken place, but you can choose not to break with it.