Midterms week, the most dreaded week of the semester. Nothing strikes more fear in the hearts of students across the country. Flashbacks to gallons of coffee, tears, sleepless nights, meals eaten at weird time, and more tears, scurry through their minds.
1. When you first get your schedule, you look like this
2. And then one of your friends tells you to relax
3. But you know it's time to get to work...
4. But not without doing something fun first!
5. Then you look at the time and realise how much time you've wasted
6. And you get totally overwhelmed
7. Ok but you definitely have to get to work now
8. But you have to eat before doing any work right? So you order some food
9. Then it's back to work!
10. And then the tears start
11. And it seems like it will never end
12. Everything feels bleak
13. Slowly but surely you begin getting through the week
15. And then there's that feeling you get when it's finally over