It's everyones favorite time of the year again--midterms. Why do we all get so stressed about these? They're just slightly longer tests that don't change our final grade that much, right? Well regardless, the girls of "The Bachelor," past and present, have gone through the same stress we do and aren't afraid to tell us how they feel.
1. Starting out strong
You can do this, you know this stuff. It's only half a semester, how hard can that be?
2. Trying to focus...
Just study for a few hours, then you can watch Netflix. It will pay off, just focus!
3.But getting distracted by everything
Ashley S. knows the struggle of focusing. I mean, look at that onion.
4. Realizing you have to stay up all night
Probably the worst realization since you learned you have all your midterms on one day.
5. When 2 a.m. rolls around...
Am I going crazy? I think I'm actually going crazy.
6. Slight meltdown
Can't even deal with it anymore. Who cares if I flunk? I still have the rest of the semester to make my grade better.
7. Pulling yourself together
OK, stop being dramatic. You can do it. It's only a few tests, you're fine.
8. Studying more...this time with friends
Invite over your best friends, turn on some mega throwbacks and study it out together.
9. Walking into your midterm
Nothing more you can do. You studied as much as you could, you know what you know.
10. Walking out of your midterm
Well, what's done is done. Time to pack up, head off for spring break and forget about school for a week!