Your semester is going pretty well so far,
And spring break is so close you can touch it!
But first, you have to take your midterms.
Your professors haven't even said anything about midterms. Do you actually have any midterms?
Plot twist: you do, and your professor just told you two days before the actual midterm.
You contemplate whether you should take the L or not.
But you realize it's too early too quit and you still have half a semester left.
So you start studying,
Then you start cramming and staying up all night to study.
You walk into class the following day after an entire night of studying,
And you begin to take the test.
You try to comprehend everything and answer as best as you can.
By the end you'll either turn it in satisfied with your work,
Or you'll accept that it wasn't your best.
But at the end of it all, it's okay.
You still have half a semester to redeem yourself if you aren't happy with how you did on midterms.
And now you can finally enjoy spring break!
Best of luck to everyone on midterms!